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Camping ground management program

When improving upon the KWHotel software our company wished to expand our service for not only hotels and hostels  that are managing rooms or beds but also faculties renting camping fields.

The module in cooperation with our hotel managment system, it helps to provide extensive  services for customers renting camping lots as well as cabins and trailer lots etc.

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The Camping module main functions:

  • Working on your own ground plans (imported in jpg.).
  • Managing renting prices, including taxes.
  • Creating your own service inventory e.g.
  •  Creating your inventory of car types and trailers.
  • Adding an unlimited amount of reservations onto one sector (lot) for the same time period.
  •  Creating your own reservation statuses e.g. reservation confirmed, advance payment etc.

Creating sectors (lots) is  the only limitation when dividing the field. Most campsites are divided into 1-6 sectors (lots). On any given sector (lot) you are able to make an unlimited number of reservations in the same time period.  In conclusion, for most campsites the version for 28 sectors (lots) is optimal. Higher number versions are meant for campsites renting  in lump sums – one client, one lot.


Price list

Number od rooms/bedsFirst year (1st year) nettoYearly prolongation nettoFirst year (1st year) nettoYearly prolongation netto
1 - 1059 zl59 zl200 zl90 zl
11 - 1679 zl69 zl300 zl120 zl
17 - 2899 zl89 zl450 zl170 zl
29 - 60149 zl129 zl650 zl190 zl
Above 60199 zl159 zl850 zl220 zl
Yearly hosting on one MySQL database60 zl60 zl

CAMPING module

Price list

Licencja roczna200 zł netto
Do ceny modułu należy doliczyć cenę wybranej wersji programu.  
With the yearly license we provide:

  • all available options and KWHotel tabs,
  • access to all updates,
  • 24h technical support in the case of emargancies.

Available discounts:

– 5% – discount for placing a link to our website on your website (details),
– 10% – for purchasing KWHotel for 2-3 years in advance,
– 10% – for small seasonal  facilities.



photo of tray with breakfast food on the bed inside a bedroom

KWHotel Free

A free of charge option for small facilities. Provides a reservation calendar, customer base and the ability to add single and group reservations.


Single station version – KWHotel Standard

A program meant for small and medium sized facilities, motels, hostels, resorts, which only work on one computer.

Smiling receptionist handing over a card

Multi station version – KWHotel Pro

A program meant for bigger lodging facilities, working on multiple stations simultaneously. It is linked by a LAN connection or an online server.